Back to our trip to San Antonio…we had a great time and ate our way from one corner of the city to the other. We ate at El Taco Tote (great corn tortillas and a salsa bar “on crack”), Los Barrios, The Longhorn Café, Rudy’s, Whataburger (in her birthplace Corpus Christi), Wendy’s, etc.
We went to the outlets in San Marcos twice and got some great deals on Jimmy’z jeans and tees. We hit the flea markets and saw all kinds of interesting sights. The kids’ favorite was the man selling centipedes, tarantulas, snakes, scorpions, lizards and more. The collage contains a crazy picture of him with a scorpion on his nose, a boa around his neck and tarantula in his hand! We left the market with the worst three toys for sale: a LOUD play cell phone that sang in Japanese, a laser pointer (which I am constantly worried is going to blind someone) and a BB gun shaped like a pistol. Talk about a momentary lapse of parental judgment! We also went to Market Square and picked up some Mexican pastries and candy. Matt let the boys shoot off his paintball gun and Sam and Lucas played in the kiddy pool. On the fourth of July, we waited for the torrential downpour to stop, and then set off fireworks in a constant drizzle.
The highlight of the trip was our trip to the coast. Matt and I had discussed driving to Corpus Christi to give the kids a chance to play at the beach. Once we told the kids of our plans, there was no going back on our word. We woke up bright and early on Monday morning and threw on our swimsuits and packed the car. As we are walking out the door we realize it is very overcast. We consulted Yahoo! Weather and realized there was a 90% chance of rain on the coast. We had some naysayers in the group, but I would not be deterred. The closer we got to Corpus, the darker the sky got, but I was still determined to have fun. We decided to go a little further to Port Aransas in hopes of a cleaner beach. We hopped the fairy and four wheeled our way to a nice clean public beach. We played in the rain and the ocean for the next three hours and loved it. The water was warmer than the air, but the kids had a blast. I would have preferred a sunny day, but we made the most of it, and I think it turned out to be a pretty great day. I can’t wait to go again.
Thanks Matt, Maria and Lucas for a great week!