Yesterday we started out the day at the Clara Maria Farm. We powered up the TomTom and followed his every word until we arrived in Amstelveen 30 minutes later. The Clara Maria Farm is a working cheese farm. The nice lady there told us all about how they make the Gouda cheese and showed us around the small factory. Then she showed us how the wooden clogs are made. Once you got over the smell, it was a really fun time. After the tour and many exciting purchases at the gift shop (including some really delicious wheels of cheese) the kids headed out to the barn to play in the hay maze and swing from the barn rope. Matt and Grandpa even joined in the festivities and helped Sam and Lucas swing. Maria couldn’t resist getting into the action and joined the group at the top of the hay stack. I turned around just in time to see here making her way down from about 15 feet up. She took a step down and the hay gave way and she fell head over heels completing at least three somersaults before landing with her feet in the air and bumping her head on a wall board. She was a little dazed and confused but not seriously injured.
Next we made our way to the Kastle De Haar about 30 minutes away. Imagine the trip around the English countryside Jane Bennett took in Pride and Prejudice with her aunt and uncle. It was beautiful. Once again the TomTom saved our lives. I would have turned back long before getting there thinking for sure we were lost and had ventured too far into the country. The castle was closed for the low season, but we were able to take a walk around the gardens and see the outside. I will be sure to go back in the spring! It was so amazing and the gardens (mostly roses) must be spectacular when in bloom.
We finished off the night with the season finale of Survivor that I downloaded off of iTunes. Perfect end to a perfect day.
Just to let everyone know that might be a little confused...it was Elizabeth Bennett who took the tour of the English countryside with her Aunt and Uncle. I hope that you guys are having the time of your life. I admit I am a little jealous but I hope that you are living it up for me. Love and Miss you all. Love Mandy
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