Today was day one of what promises to be many days of wild and crazy site-seeing. We started off by taking the two trains and one tram to the Anne Frank House. This was my second time to this museum and it is one of my favorites. The kids and I had read a version of her book written for younger children earlier in the week. They seemed to like it and more fully understand what they were seeing. Sam even kept it together. Next we walked to the Hard Rock Café for lunch. We finished up the day at the Van Gogh Museum. By that point the kids had reached their limit. Lucas fell asleep and Sam was grumpy and bored. She got in trouble from the security guard and calmed down for a while. She was sure the ropes in front of the paintings were to “keep people from touching the paintings because they were still wet.” Our trip home of a tram and two trains was relaxing and pretty quick.
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