
Sadly…Josh lost the championship last night. Wait, back up…I should say that his team won 2nd place out of 17 at the end of their incredible season of growth, improvement, hard work and dedication. These are definitely the words I used to console a weeping nine year old all the way home from the ballpark. Josh doesn’t usually let sports get to him that way, so I was a little taken back. I think most of his emotions stemmed from the fact that we had been at the ballpark for five hours straight and we didn’t get home until after 10:30 PM. He was tired and disappointed, but mostly just tired. He played a great game and I was so proud of him. He is such a sweet little boy. Seeing him so disappointed made me want to crawl into his bed and snuggle him like I used to when he was still a baby.
This morning, all seemed well with the world once more. He was up bright and early, showered and ready for his last day of 4th grade. I am optimistically looking forward to summer and praying every minute for a hidden source of patience I know I will need. Josh got off the bus this afternoon and within two minutes (and I am not over exaggerating) was complaining because he was bored and didn’t want to stay home and watch television while his older brother (who always gets to have all the fun, whah) goes to his class party. If you don’t hear from me for a few days, I may be locked in my closet still searching for that hidden source of patience!
I'll bet Josh did great. I remember what it is like to lose, no fun.
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