
Covered Up With Baseball

It has been forever since I posted and I blame baseball. We have been at practices or games almost every night this week. I am the kind of Mom who absolutely loves to watch my boys play sports, but it is even getting to be too much for me.

Earlier this week we were scheduled to replay the last inning of a game we played last week. We never got our last "at bat" due to a time limit, and the league commissioners ruled we could replay it. I was on my way out the door to drive Josh to the ball park when I got the call saying the ruling had been overturned and we would not be replaying the inning. Of course, I was steaming mad. I kept my mouth shut on the way to our new game (scheduled for that same night) for fear my bad attitude would rub off on Josh. Because of the ruling, we dropped down to the loser's bracket and had to play the #1 ranked team in our division in order to advance to the Championship game. This team (the Indians) had just beat us 11-3 two weeks ago. I admit, I did not have high hopes for the game. Those 9 year old boys didn't bat an eye, they went out there and whooped that team 8-3. Those smack talkin' Indians were crying like babies (literally) by the time we got done with them. We are set to play in the Championship game this Tuesday night (against the team we were supposed to replay the inning with...Sparks will fly...Their coach said tons of rude things about our coach and even sweet little me in his emails).

As if that wasn't enough baseball drama for the week we also had an extra tournament against the Klein/Spring league this weekend. We had a game on both Friday and Saturday night. We have a final game on Sunday afternoon, but I emailed the coach to let him know we wouldn't be playing unless Josh's absence would cause the team to forfeit.

To top it all off, the Astros lost again tonight. I am sure I will miss watching Josh play baseball once the season is over, but I am looking forward to the break.


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