Mother's Day

I had a great Mother’s Day yesterday. All the kids slept in, so I got a little extra sleep. Church was fine. I was in charge of the getting the Mother’s Day gift for all the women of the ward. I wanted some nice chocolates, but the budget dictated that we could only afford Russell Stover. They ended up tasting pretty good. It’s the thought that counts. I am hoping to pawn off that job next year to someone of the male gender…it seems only fair.
Helmut worked his tail off in the kitchen (while I watched the Astros game on the couch) from the time we got home until we had dinner at 5:00. His meal turned out so yummy! He made peppered steak with chimichurri sauce, black beans, fried plantains, sweet onion and avocado salad, corn fritters and grilled pineapple ala mode for dessert. It was divine! Needless to say, I am back on my diet as of this morning.
The kids were fairly good. I can remember when I was a younger my Mom saying, “All I want for Mother’s Day is for you kids not to fight all day!” I feel her pain now. The boys did help their dad with the dishes and clean their room, so I know they were trying. Sam, on the other hand, was in complete meltdown mode from 5:00 to 7:30. She kept breaking down in tears saying, “I ruined Mother’s Day.” Poor baby, she is only four years old. All in all, it was a good Mother’s Day. I have a stinking suspicion that my husband never reads my blog, but just in case…Thanks honey for making it a special day!
You are spoyled - but you deserve it! Glad you had such a happy Mother's Day - It was fun to have you and Sarah come to Waco
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