
Freedom From Guilt

Yesterday was my birthday and I tried to treat myself to a guilt free day. I ate what I wanted (which made me sick to my stomach), didn’t clean up or do the dishes and laid around the house all day. It made me consider the pros and cons of living my real life in a more guilt free way.

The other day I was having a discussion with my husband and I mentioned to him that whenever we fight, I get a sick feeling in my stomach that won’t go away until we make up. He looked at me like I was the Man on the Moon! Clearly, he doesn’t get that same guilty “the Lord doesn’t want you to be fighting with your spouse” feeling. I feel guilty about so many things…when I eat the wrong foods, when I don’t workout, when I yell at my kids, when I spend too much money, when I stay up too late, when I watch too much TV, when I don’t keep my house clean, when I don’t read my scriptures, when I spend too much time on the computer…so I am going to try and motivate my life with some other tactic. I’ll let you know what tactic when I figure that out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

why does this entry sound oh so familer, let me know what you figure out so i can stop feeling so guilty all the time.

11:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guilt is a great motivater. I guess you got it from me. If I could just feel more guilty about some things.


1:46 PM  

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