
What's a Mom to do?

Josh had a late baseball game tonight. We were playing a team ranked high than ours, so I was nervous about the game. Our team played well and we were able to stay ahead during the entire game. Josh played great. He did a great job at catcher and had a great night on offense as well. He hit a single, walked once to first and hit an in park home run (2 run RBI) to end the game. He was ecstatic!

Sam on the other hand is hard to handle at these games. Little Helmut was smart and volunteered to be the official batboy. I am pretty sure that was to insure he was not put in charge of Sam. She walked up and down the bleachers until I (and the other parents) couldn’t take it any longer. I did what any mother would have done…I gave her a bottle of water and told her to go make mud in the dirt. This kept her busy for at least 20 minutes until she ran out of water. This is where my judgment got a little questionable. I wanted so badly to be able to watch the game, so I spied an old cup of melted snow cone and handed her that. As I looked back at her, I realized she was trying to wash the mud off her hands and feet with the melted purple snow cone. She was covered. I may not win any mother of the year award, but at least I got to actually watch Josh hit the home run.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a wonderful game! Even more fantastic than the game was the family support from each member. Little Helmut was a real hero as he supported his younger brother. Sam, the mud pie queen and the Mom and Dad cheering section. Way to go Brenner's!

8:28 PM  

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