Elbow Room

We went to see Ice Age 2 last night with the Jones Family. It was so funny and all the kids loved it. I am definitely buying it as soon as it comes out on DVD.
The movie was sold out, so by the time we got there, seats were scarce. Sarah and I summoned up the courage to ask a teenage couple if they would move down so we could sit together. We assured them otherwise, Sam and Parker might disturb their movie watching experience. They were very nice and moved to the isle seats and then later left the theater and never came back. They must have hurried off to see Slither or Basic Instinct 2 (both of which were rated R and they couldn’t get in to see otherwise). Their seats were filled in minutes and then my annoying movie experience began…
There is an unwritten rule in the universe that if your chair shares an armrest with the chair next to you, you get HALF at the most. Evidently the girl next to me thinks that rule doesn’t apply to her. For most of the movie her arm was a good four inches into my chair. A few times my body got tired from contorting itself to avoid her elbow, so I moved over into her elbow thinking for sure she would move it…NNNNOOOO. She kept it in the same place like she didn’t even feel my rib cage pushing it out of the way. I was so annoyed. This is not the first time this has happened to me. Airplanes seem to be the worst. Space is already cramped and an armrest violator just makes it worse. This particular violator was the worst and most brazen I’ve ever come in contact with (which is saying a lot given the Asian’s lack of respect for personal space).
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