
I feel like we are constantly being told that children these days are watching too much television. I am not sure I disagree, but I’m not sure it’s such a bad thing (bear in mind that I am a self proclaimed TV addict). Case in point…
I picked Sam up after preschool today and our first conversation went something like this.
Mom: How was your day?
Sam: A boy in class pooped in his pants and it was so stinky. It was such a bad stench.
Mom: A bad what?
Sam: A bad stench.
Mom: Where did you hear that word (thinking she was probably just repeating what a teacher had said about the incident)?
Sam: SpongeBob
Too much TV or just down right educational? You be the judge, but I am thinking the word stench is at least marginally advanced for a four-year-old’s vocabulary.
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