Perfect Saturday

My day for all intents and purposes started at 4:30 AM when I heard Josh throwing up in the bathroom. I got him taken care of and back in bed. I, on the other hand, never could fall back asleep. I was too worried he would be sick all night and not be able to play in his baseball game at 10:00. What is wrong with me? I realize I am one of those crazy mothers you see on Oprah, but I am not sure what to do about it (and sadly, I am not sure I want to do anything about it).
I was so relieved when he woke up and said he felt fine. I was sure he felt fine when I watched him polish off four Shipley’s donuts and a kolache!
He had a great game today. The game started off well, but we started losing pretty badly around the third inning. In a way, the fact that we were so far behind was somewhat liberating to me. It seemed to me a foregone conclusion that we were going to lose once we were down by five points. Since I wasn’t stressing out in the stands, I used that time to get down by the fence and take some really good pictures (156 in all). Josh was playing third base (a new position for him) and chased down a boy stealing home on a wild pitch. He ran like an Olympic sprinter or the mother who receives a burst of adrenaline in order to lift a car off her small child. He dove out and tagged him/tackled him at the last second (or at least that is what everyone tells me, I was too nervous and looked away at the last second). Before I knew it, we had one last at bat and could tie up the game if we maxed out our runs. Sure enough we did just that and ended up with a tie. We were thrilled with a tie; the other team wasn’t so thrilled. Josh even received the game ball for his job well done.
We spent the rest of the day at the kid’s Spring Festival for school and watching the Astros lose a huge lead late in the game. In my opinion, just an Astros’ win shy of a perfect Saturday!

Baseball is scored in runs not points and it would be unbelievable for a major league shortstop to go an entire season and post season with out a single error:)
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