My Boys
I got the rare chance to take some pictures of the boys this morning before they went to school. The light was perfect and my subjects were willing (for a few minutes anyway). So often I am looking for pictures of the boys and I just don’t have that many. They are gone at school all day when I have the time and energy to get my camera out. After school we are so busy with sports and homework that we run out of time or daylight. So I dragged myself out of bed and made sure to get these shots (even if I was on the front lawn in my pajamas). They are growing up so fast it kills me.
In other news, I actually made it to the “Y” today to run on the treadmill. Sadly, the weather here is already reaching the high 80’s, which in my opinion makes it too hot (and usually too humid) to run outside. The “Y” is an interesting place to people watch. There is such a huge cross section of humanity represented. My favorites are the senior citizens. They have their own little seating area right outside of the women’s locker and they always seem to be engaged in interesting conversation as I pass by. I hope once Helmut and I retire, we are one of those couples that get out of the house to go down to the local YMCA and “work out”!
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