
On Saturday morning we decided we would still go to Galveston despite Josh’s foot (sometimes I can let my good time girl attitude get in the way of my good mother decision making abilities). We borrowed some crutches, had lunch at Del Pueblo and were good to go around 2:00 PM. Traffic was horrible! Spring Break weekend was starting and ditzy teenage girls breaking down on the road made matters even worse. There were a few times I considered doing a U-turn and heading home. We persevered and made it to Galveston Island around 4:00 PM. The weather was hazy and cool so we decided to just park along the seawall and let the kids play on the beach for a few minutes. We found a spot without a lot of people around and jumped out of the car. We soon figured out it was only empty because the tide way so high, there was no beach left (just huge rocks and a crashing tide) and there was a 8-foot dead rotting porpoise carcass strewn across the rocks. The smell was horrible, but the kids were morbidly engrossed in the sight of it. We walked a little further down (Josh struggled on his crutches) and found a bit of sand. The kids played in the sand and waves until they were completely wet. Lucas stripped down to his birthday suit and had a grand time. Josh sadly watched from the sidelines thinking maybe having crutches and an injured foot wasn’t as cool as he thought it might be. We fed the seagulls some bread and flew a kite until the sun went down.
We drove into the “city” to find Colonel Bubbie’s Military Surplus Store for old time’s sake. I have many memories of going there as a child and my brother having the time of his life looking around at all the mothball smelling military goods from around the world. The store was already closed and everyone was getting hungry. At that point we realized Josh had reached his crutch-hobbling breaking point and we needed to find someplace close by to eat. With great fresh seafood completely surrounding us, we chose Fuddruckers. The kids loved it, and that all that matters, right?
In the end, I was glad we went. I was even happier I had driven on the way there, so I could sleep the whole way while Helmut drove home…
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