Eight Below

Yesterday Sarah and I took the kids to see Eight Below in the continuation of “Stay Sane Spring Break 2006.” It took us a long time to decide on a movie, since the oldest of our kids is 12 and the youngest is 4. Either way, someone wasn’t going to be 100% happy. We didn’t feel like chasing the little ones up and down the aisles and stairs in the movie theater, so they won out. Even still I am not sure it was the best choice for everyone involved. Disclaimer: Do not read on if you haven’t seen the movie and don’t want the ending spoiled. I always feel pretty safe taking my kids to see a PG Disney movie. This one didn’t have anything horrible in it, but it wasn’t the feel good I was looking for. No one wants to watch two dogs die! I am not sure we will be able to go back to Sea World again after watching some dogs eat off a dead Shamu carcass. If we do make it back we will definitely be skipping the “The Cannery Row Caper” starring Clyde and Seamore the seals! The big kids seemed to like it okay…it received a 7 (Josh) and a 6 (Helmut) on a scale from 1 to 10. Maybe not worth the 20+ bucks it cost to get in.
Today is a clean up for visitors day. My mom and dad are coming down from Dallas and my brother and his family are coming in from San Antonio. Sarah and her family headed off for a camping trip, so I look forward to the family keeping me sane over the weekend. Weather permitting, we plan to head to Galveston on Saturday afternoon for some “beaching” and dinner.
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