

I had my first Holland run this morning. I dropped Sam off at school this morning (and yes she was still into this morning) and when I got back to the hotel, I realized all my excuses were gone. All the kids were in school, I didn’t have any appointment and nothing I needed to get done, so I forced myself to run. It actually ended up being a decent run. Of course it was hard and tiring since I haven’t run in close to two months, but the scenery couldn’t be beat. It was about 50 degrees Fahrenheit outside and a little windy. I jogged out one side of the hotel and stuck to that street so I wouldn’t get lost. This place is perfect for running. I ran for a full 45 minutes and never ran out of sidewalk. I passed some very fluffy sheep lying in an incredibly green pasture, some English style horse riders, an old grey-haired man driving a horse drawn buggy, an WWII war memorial, a old cemetery, a draw bridge, three canals, scores of houses, a few businesses, tons of cyclists (some exercising but most just going about their day) and passed under two highways.

It looks like we won’t be getting the Windlustweg house. They agreed to be out by December 11th, but would not budge on the price. Our offer was near the top of our budget, so we feel like it is best to go with the other house on Deijlerweg (pronounced dial-er-vegg). It is a great house too and probably suits our family better. It is super close to the school so the boys can hop on their bikes and be there in less than five minutes. Josh will be thrilled to not ride the bus. He came home yesterday and reported there was far to much cursing out of the high school bus riders.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am glad you enjoyed your run - I can't say the same for myself.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OK I am commenting in the wrong place, but wanted to throw some support up for the man blog...totally hilarious! Helmut, you are sounding a bit British though.

4:29 PM  

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