
ASH Trojans Swim Team

HE MADE IT!!!!! The coaches posted the lists on the school website for the kids who made the swim team this afternoon around 3:00 PM. Josh and I were at the school and tried to look it up on the computers in the library, but they weren’t up yet. As we walked out the door to go home, a boy Josh knew told him he kinda, sorta thought he saw his name on the list. I told Josh to be cautiously optimistic and worried the boy was thinking of another Josh the whole way home. When we got home…there it was! He was so happy, jumping around doing a happy dance. It looks like that Speedo he made us go out and buy after the first day of tryouts worked (nothing like a bit of peer pressure to make you do things you never thought you would). He was one of only six 5th graders to make it on the team of 24 kids (102 tried out). He misses the Under 10 league by just 23 days and is in the Under 12 league. That puts him as the youngest on that team (that is why I was so worried he may not make it…shows you what I know). He starts practice on Monday morning at 6:00 AM. I am so happy for him. I know this will be a great opportunity to make new friends and feel a part of his school. Now let us all hope and pray that next Wednesday’s posting of the basketball roster will bring just as much “happy dancing” in our home!

Now I am going to slip into a more negative place for just a few minutes. I am so sick of this hotel! The kids are living on top of me and the food is horrible (or at least it seems horrible the 20th time you try to choke it down). Something happened today that just pushed me over the edge. Our room is on the second floor facing a huge indoor atrium (tackily named the “Holidome”). Most of it is set up with tables and chairs for the restaurant and conference center. Today they were holding some kind of conference that filled the whole place. I am not over exaggerating when I say…all 100+ participants sat in that “Holidome” and chain smoked all day long. I could smell it seeping under our door and when I opened my door to walk to the parking lot I thought I may have to crawl to keep from collapsing from smoke inhalation. I realize that Europe it known for its smoking culture and there is really no way to totally escape from it. I am just looking forward to having my own home where I can at least escape it while I sleep!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Josh!!
Big Daddy

6:59 AM  

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