
First Installment of the "Man Blog"

In the past, Helmut has rarely (if ever) read my blog and I got the feeling he found the whole "blog craze" rather silly. Now that he is living half-way around the world and feeling quite lonely, he seems to have changed his mind. I received this entry in my email inbox this morning entitled "potential blog fodder." Enjoy.

Almost two years ago Debbie, the kids and I returned to Houston after a lengthy overseas assignment. It was great to return home and reunite with family and friends. We bought a house, settled-in and enjoyed the comforts of home life. Unfortunately, things were not going well on the professional front with my job. The problem seemed to emanate from the radically different working environment I found myself returned to. While in Asia I had many challenging and rewarding assignments. Work life back in the home office was mundane to say the least. To add fuel to my disgruntlement, one day I observed a note, thoughtfully posted in the men's bathroom. The note read, "If you sprinkle when you tinkle, be neat and wipe the seat." The nerve! Talk about demeaning and childish! This was typical of the bar-b-que eating, good ole boy culture that permeated the office. It was just too much. I vowed then and there to "get a real job", a "grown-up" job. This was a watershed event. No one was going to tell me how to do my personal business and get away with it!

Eventually I left my employer of 11 plus years to work for a new, more "sophisticated" company. Obviously the posting in the bathroom wasn't the only factor, but it was definitely time for a change. My new job would take me far from the Bayou City. Interviews in Holland, travel to England, a flurry of new sights and experiences. Finally, the deal was done and I reported bright and early on my first day of work. My new location was situated in a quite, green suburb, amongst well-appointed European office buildings with modern, stream-lined architecture. A typical Nordic-Bauhaus construct, my building was part of a larger "campus"
which was purpose-built to maximize employee convenience, efficiency and engender a sense of pride and satisfaction, thus contributing to greater productivity and efficiency. This was the anti-thesis of my previous employer's approach to the workplace environment. It was clear, I had arrived!

As I strolled down the solemn hallways of my new fortress, I could hear the hushed tones of conversations in English, French, Dutch, Russian & German. Discussing deep intellectual issues of tremendous global importance (no doubt). How stimulating! So many different cultures and experiences to absorb! I was thrilled. After a whirlwind tour and orientation I was left to organize my work and gather my thoughts. Eventually I was drawn back to the more mundane, but necessary, logistics of daily life. "Where is the copier? Where is the water cooler? Oh, fresh fruit for me? How nice." Everything was in its place, and waiting for my attention.

"Excuse me, which way to the men's room?"

Need I say, it was immaculate? Modern and outfitted with an efficiency commensurate with the architecture of the building. Further, it was sub-divided into completely enclosed "throne-rooms" to ensure each guest the utmost in privacy. As I slowly opened the door to my new kingdom, I was greeted by a neatly typed and laminated placard installed in each room. Yes, you guessed it, "...sprinkle..tinkle...argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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