
Today was Sam’s day off from school, so she and I spent the day at the mall. I had a 10% off coupon for the Loft that expires tomorrow and I didn’t want to see it go to waste. Normally, I would never even go into that store with Sam in tow, but desperate times (like an expiring coupon) call for desperate measures. We packed her a bag full of crayons and coloring books and she actually did quite well. With a few reminders of her promised reward of one item at the dollar store, she behaved herself.
We stopped by Stride Rite on the way out to see if we could agree on any shoes for her. She has very sparkly, shiny taste when it comes to shoes. The last time Helmut and I took her shoe shopping it ended in kicking, screaming and crying. I am all about letting her show her own personality, but I have to draw the line at black suede boots studded with rhinestones in every color of the rainbow. Today we compromised on the cute pair in the picture. I originally had a cute plain brown pair picked out, but she talked me into this pair. She also got a new pair of running shoes because she has already outgrown the pair I bought her in July! I inherited my love for shoes from my mom and I am all too happy to pass it along to Sam…
Love the shoes!! You are a tropper for shopping with kid in tow.
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