
Shell Health Services

It is only noon and I am already wishing it were bedtime. I got up early this morning to get the kids and myself ready before I had to be out the door at 7:30. Helmut and I had an appointment at the Shell Health Services office at 9:00 AM for our pre-hire/pre-Netherlands physical. Big Daddy was nice enough to come over and sit with the boys while they waited for the bus and then he took Samantha to school. She seemed very excited about him taking her. I will be sure to get the full scoop from her when I pick her up. I jumped on highway 249 and traffic started backing up at the Grant Road exit! Luckily Helmut taught me the trick of staying on the Beltway all the way to highway 59 North. It cut about 20-25 minutes off the drive.

The physical went routinely. I had a TB test, polio booster, EKG and some blood taken. The doctor did give me a hard time about my lapse in getting a proper female checkup. I vowed to resolve the issue ASAP. It was interesting to step into the Shell world for the first time. The Health Services office is located on the 10th floor of One Shell Plaza, which sits right across the street from Two Shell Plaza. Both are huge buildings and must hold thousands of offices and employees. From best we could gather, the Health Services office functions somewhat like a school nurse’s office. In fact, while we were there a guy was laid out in a room resting until the nurse made him go back to class… I mean work. He seemed to be suffering from a headache. How crazy is that? All the places I have worked didn’t care how you felt, work or go home. I am still milling the whole thing over in my head. Is it better to give your employees a place to recoup and then return to work, or does that encourage trips to the nurse’s office? Either way, it is a totally foreign concept to me.

Helmut has to go back at 1:00 for an expat orientation. I lucked out of it since Sam needs to be picked up from school by 2:30 and our second house appraiser is coming at 4:00. Things are moving along. Helmut officially starts work at Shell on Tuesday. I am sure information will be more forthcoming once he is there on a daily basis. Oh yeah, he leaves for The Netherlands and London on Wednesday. Hopefully he will be able to get some more answers about our work visa while he is there.


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