49 Days: SAHM

This morning, Sarah and I took the kids to see Racing Stripes at the AMC Theater’s FREE Summer Movie Camp. Of course, the usual entourage of Day Cares was there as well. It is nice to get a weekly reminder of how important my job as a Stay-at-home Mom is and how fortunate my children are to be spared the life of a Day Care Kid. The fearless (and downright scary) leader of one day care was almost more annoying than I could take. Every time a child talked too loudly or misbehaved, the whole movie theater could hear her SssssssssssssT! SsssssssssssssT! She was like a snake, poised to strike at any moment. Those poor kids!
Last night’s Rachel Ray feast consisted of Cheddar Mac and Broccoli. Not necessarily a gourmet sounding meal, but I thought the kids would enjoy it. This recipe was nothing like it’s better know Kraft counterpart. Homemade Macaroni and Cheese is sinfully yummy! Of course, Sam continues her Rachel Ray hunger strike and opted for a bowl of Easy Mac instead. I have given up fighter her on the subject in order to make the evening less of a battle zone and more of an enjoyable sit down meal for the family. Tonight’s menu consists of Spiced Lamb Chops on Savory Peppers with Mint Couscous. In the past, I haven’t cared too much for the taste of lamb. However, Helmut loves it, so I continue to keep trying it (hoping someday I won’t feel like I am choking down Mary’s Little Lamb).